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We help the community one day at a time. We appreciate and support the ones who protect us. Operation eagles holds collections and composes care packages with helpful items to American soldiers overseas. Our mission is to help bring attention to the hardships that the American Soldiers face overseas.

Kelsey Harry

This Year Kelsey is a Senior at Heritage High School. She is the President and Founder of Operation Eagle.


"I started Operation Eagle because a student in my community lost her dad due to fighting in the military and I realized then that everyone has some sort of connection to the military. So many people risk their lives to fight for our country and I wanted to do something to support them."


 You can contact her at:


Phone: 303-882-6795

Mrs. Gudewicz

Mrs. Gudewicz is the Sponsor for Operation Eagle. She works very hard to make sure everything runs smoothly at meetings and supervises them too.



You can contact her at:


Office Phone: 303-347-7681

Voicemail: 303-734-6705

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